
De Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

Modèle:Traduction Necessaire Les Primarques sont les 20 "fils" génétiquement créés de l'Empereur. Il utilisa son propre ADN durant leur création et ils furent créer pour être de loin supérieur à un être humain moyen: Immensément plus grand, plus fort, plus robuste, plus rapide et plus intelligent. Ils étaient également incroyablement charismatiques, car leur rôle principal était d'être les généraux et chefs des militaires impériaux.

Creation of the Primarchs

They were created in a secret underground laboratory on Luna under tightest security. However, somehow the forces of Chaos managed to spirit them away just prior to their maturation and it is speculated that they also managed to tamper with the infant Primarchs. These were scattered across the galaxy, beyond the Emperor's reach, and all of them landed on different worlds. The Emperor could sense that the infant Primarchs were alive, but was unable to reach them. Therefore he used their previously collected DNA samples to create the Space Marines. The genetic material of each one of them was used to found a single Space Marine Legion, twenty in total.

Their homeworlds and their infancy would influence and mould them to a large extent. There they quickly grew to adulthood and often rose to power, ruling, leading, and helping the inhabitants. As the Emperor found them, he was generally pleased by their actions, and quickly gave them the leadership of their respective legion.

The first Primarch to be found was Horus, who became the Emperor's favourite. Most Primarchs somehow recognized the Emperor on sight, and immediately pledged their allegiance on the spot. A few, (Leman Russ, Ferrus Manus and Vulkan) only followed Him after being bested in contests. Angron refused, and was abducted from his homeworld, something he never really accepted. The last to be found was Alpharius.

At the end of the Great Crusade Warmaster Horus fell to Chaos, and eight of his fellow Primarchs followed him into the Horus Heresy against the Emperor, resulting in a full-scale civil war. Each Primarch chose his side, loyalists against traitors, leading their legions against their former comrades.

legion number name homeworld name of the legion allegiance current status
I Lion El'Jonson Caliban Dark Angels loyal Alive, asleep within a secret chamber on the Rock..
II Deleted from Imperial records, authorization unknown.
III Fulgrim Chemos Emperor's Children traitor Daemon Prince.
IV Perturabo Olympia Iron Warriors traitor Daemon Prince, ruler of Medrengard.
V Jaghatai Khan Mundus Planus White Scars loyal Unknown disappeared into the Webway.
VI Leman Russ Fenris Space Wolves loyal Unknown disappeared into the Eye of Terror.
VII Rogal Dorn Terra13 Imperial Fists loyal Died in a Black Crusade.
VIII Konrad Curze/Night Haunter Nostramo Night Lords traitor Dead, assassinated by Callidus assassin M´Shen.
IX Sanguinius Baal Blood Angels loyal Dead, slain by Horus.
X Ferrus Manus Medusa Iron Hands loyal Dead, slain by Fulgrim and his head offered to Horus.
XI Deleted from Imperial records, authorization unknown.
XII Angron unknown World Eaters traitor Daemon Prince.
XIII Roboute Guilliman Macragge Ultramarines loyal Mortally wounded by Fulgrim currently held in stasis, rumored to be healing.
XIV Mortarion Barbarus Death Guard traitor Daemon Prince, ruler of the Plague Planet.
XV Magnus the Red Prospero Thousand Sons traitor Daemon Prince, ruler of the Planet of Sorcerers.
XVI Horus Cthonia Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus traitor Dead, slain by the Emperor.
XVII Lorgar Colchis Word Bearers traitor Daemon Prince, ruler of Sicarus.
XVIII Vulkan Nocturne Salamanders loyal Unknown disappeared.
XIX Corax Deliverance Raven Guard loyal Unknown disappeared, last seen heading for the Eye of Terror.
XX Alpharius Omegon unknown Alpha Legion Traitor One may be dead, slain by Roboute Guilliman. (It is not known which of the twins was killed. The reliability of this information is disputed, therefor it is possible that both Alpharius and Omegon are still living.)

Fate of the Primarchs



  • Ferrus Manus was killed at the Drop Site massacre at the start of the Horus Heresy by Fulgrim who presented his head to Horus.
  • Sanguinius was slain by Horus after refusing to join him.
  • Lion El'Jonson returned to his homeworld of Caliban only to discover that his friend and second-in command Luther and the Dark Angel garrison had turned against him2. He led a strike force of his own loyal Dark Angels against the traitors. He disappeared amongst the inferno as the world was blasted apart by a Warp Storm and a bombardment from his ships in orbit. He sleeps deep within the Rock, the biggest piece of Caliban and current home base of the Dark Angels1,2. Only the Emperor and the Watchers of the Dark know of this secret.1-p14
  • Jaghatai Khan disappeared as he was pursuing Dark Eldar into a webway portal after they had managed to raid Mundus Planus. There are rumors that he fights there still, lost in the twisting paths of the Webway. After nine thousand years it seems highly unlikely, but not impossible.
  • Leman Russ disappeared in the Eye of Terror. The Space Wolves hold a legend that says Russ went on a quest to find a means to cure the Emperor. His final words before his disappearance is that he would return for the Wolftime (the final battle). It is also said that Leman Russ led the 13th Company into the Eye of Terror and ordered them to hunt down the Traitor Legions which had fled to the Eye of Terror, particularly the Thousand Sons.
  • Rogal Dorn boarded a Chaos cruiser during a Black Crusade alongside a company of his sons and died fighting. He died after many of his loyal brother Primarchs. Today, his hand is housed in the holiest shrine of the Imperial Fists chapter, and his dead body encased in amber and put in Phalanx 11.
  • Roboute Guilliman was struck down with an envenomed blade by his former brother Fulgrim. His body is perfectly preserved in a stasis field at the heart of the Temple of Correction3. It is rumoured that he is alive and that his wounds are slowly healing, something normally impossible in a stasis field. The truth of this rumour is unknown but this is seen by many (including the Ultramarine captain Uriel Ventris) as mere optimistic thinking.
  • Vulkan disappeared. The position of Chapter Master, filled by the Captain of the First Company, is considered to be a regency as the Salamanders believe that Vulkan will one day return and lead them on a great crusade against Chaos.
  • Corax was racked by guilt and shame. In order to rebuild quickly the strength of his legion from the dropsite massacre on Isstvan V, Corax accelerated the growth of the gene-seed organs, producing more Space Marines, but this process also deteriorated the Gene-seed, causing many to become hulking monsters. Riddled with guilt over what he had done, Corax administered euthanasia to all of them and then locked himself away within his sanctum, the Raven's Tower. Exactly one year later he left his tower, haggard and gaunt, and took a small shuttle craft with the words Never more. It was last monitored setting a course for the Eye of Terror.

Two unknown Primarchs

Almost nothing is known about the two unknown primarchs.

References to the second and eleventh Primarchs are made in the short story, The Lighting Tower12, in which Rogal Dorn describes the plinths on which their statues should be are vacant and says that 'no one ever spoke of those two absent brothers. Their separate tragedies had seemed like aberrations. Had they, in fact, been warnings that no one had heeded?'

The traitor Primarchs in this story are covered with a shroud, so the fate of the second and eleventh is undetermined. They may have been found and befell a tragedy as it implies they were spoken about previously.


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